Hi there, let me introduce you to The Api & Loli Family and their Friends’ new concept: « Bin your bad mood! »
Those who know us already can tell you that Api & Loli are your friends,
and that you can tell us anything. And if you are in a bad mood,
you only have to:
« Bin your bad mood! »
We can change your tantrums and bad mood into joy and happiness
You can tell us anything,
Or write it down, if you wish so, at school, at home or anywhere you go,
We will be right next to you
We will not let those naughty nightmares disturb you
While you are asleep in your dream world « Bin your bad mood! »
The new Adventures of Api & Loli and their Friends are more than just a little story;
they will teach you how to deal with your emotions.
By downloading this e-book, you help us print our books in other languages.
So, why not being part of this wonderful adventure that helps the lives of children and grown-ups alike!
See you soon with lots and lots of good news!
With all my heart,
This project started 18 months ago and all this time we have been very fortunate to work with such nice artists, family and friends. This is why, I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all the people who contributed to the success of this project. It has not always been easy but we stayed to the very end and we were right to never give up on our dreams! J
First, there is our designer of Swiss origin, Joël aka Guéguél, who created the little characters and all the drawings in this book. He is very much involved in projects for kids and he is also the Founder of “Des dessins contre les bobos” (Drawings against Scratches) Association whose purpose is to give free drawing lessons to kids in hospitals.
You can follow Joël Schopfer on FB
Website desdessinscontrelesbobo.com or theartofgueguel.com
Our second hero goes by the name of Audrey Smeets. This Belgian lady is our beloved graphic designer.
She worked night and day, well almost, to complete this masterpiece of books for young and old alike. And she had to deliver it in time prior to her departure on a dream trip and then starting out in the world of work. And, believe me, she will not have trouble in getting a job! Audrey graduated in June 2016 and joined us in September to help us, with that special touch of hers which I love!
Finally, there are all the others: the writer and coach, Caroline Bachot, thanks to whom I could write these books; Florence Blaimont, chairwoman of WOWO’s; Max Piccinini, who has been boosting me for 18 months so that I would never give up on this project; my husband, Didier, who believed in me all the way; my grandchildren who were taken in my confidence and kept the secret until the books were published,…
And last but not least, I would like to thank all my friends and relatives for their support and help in making this dream come true!